Comparison of German and Indonesian Education Systems

The education system in Germany is different from Indonesia. Education in Germany starts from kinderkrippe or daycare with age less than 2 years, then Kindergarten or TK in Indonesia with ages 3-4 years. Continued to grundschule or elementary school in Indonesia is SD. Then schools at Junior high school level or SMP in Indonesia, in Germany is Oberschule has three types : Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium. Further education is the senior high school level or SMA in Indonesia, in Germany consisting of Arbitur, Ausbuilding and Fachabitur. After graduating from senior high school, students continue to university level. Pre-college education level in Germany requires normal travel time for 13 years. Different from Indonesia, where elementary-junior-high school education can be completed in just 12 years. Primary school education in Germany (Grundschule) for 4 years, except in Berlin for 6 years. ...