Comparison of German and Indonesian Education Systems

        The education system in Germany is different from Indonesia. Education in Germany starts from kinderkrippe or daycare with age less than 2 years, then Kindergarten or TK in Indonesia with ages 3-4 years. Continued to grundschule or elementary school in Indonesia is SD. Then schools at Junior high school level or SMP in Indonesia, in Germany is Oberschule has three types : Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium. Further education is the senior high school level or SMA in Indonesia, in Germany consisting of Arbitur, Ausbuilding  and Fachabitur. After graduating from senior high school, students continue to university level.

        Pre-college education level in Germany requires normal travel time for 13 years. Different from Indonesia, where elementary-junior-high school education can be completed in just 12 years. Primary school education in Germany (Grundschule) for 4 years, except in Berlin for 6 years.

        If students get bad grades at Grundschule, students can only proceed to oberschule the kind of Hauptschule. If students get an average score, students can enter the kind of Gesamtschule or Realschule. If students get good grades and are very good, students can enter the kind of Gymnasium. Usually, oberschule start from grade 5 to grade 10. The number of subjects in the oberschule are all the same usually consisting of mathematics, English, German, chemistry, physics, politics, sports, geography. It's just that the learning level is slightly different for each type in the oberschule level.  There are more subjects in Indonesia, for example arts in Germany are extracurricular, in Indonesian arts entering into Mulok or local content. Since the age of 14 years, students in Germany are given the freedom to follow religious lessons or not. Different from Indonesia, all students are required to take religious lessons.

        Only Students from the Gymnasium and Realschule can proceed to senior high school type Abitur. However, Hauptschule can proceed to the Abitur but must first go to the Realschule. The school majors in Arbitur are similar to college majors such as engineering, economics, and social majors. In Indonesia, Arbitur is SMA that just have majors IPA and IPS.

The difference between Abitur, Ausbuilding, and Fachabitur.
 1. Abitur is a school academic who run for 3 years. For example, if you take an economic          academic major, you only focus on learning about economic academics.
 2. Ausbuilding is equivalent to Vocational schools or SMK in Indonesia. If you want to be a        nurse you go to Ausbuilding, you will learn how to become a nurse for about 3 years.
 3. Fachabitur is an academic school that studies only 2 years.

        After obtaining Abitur, students will also register at the University. In contrast to prospective students in Indonesia who have to take a written examination (UMPTN), here prospective students do not need to take the selection exam at all. Prospective students only send their application file, and the university will immediately decide based on the Abitur value. This can be done because education throughout Germany, both basic education and higher education has the same quality.

       The education system in each country is different. But the goal remains the same, namely to educate the life of the nation, make the children of their nation more widely developed.


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