Review of Theoretical Theories ("Role Play as an Approach in Developing Students' Communicative Competence" by Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD.)

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     I have previously reviewed an international journal and I will review the second journal. In this post, I will review the second Journal entitled "Role Play As An Approach In Developing Students' Communicative Competence" by Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD. I will discuss the Theoretical Review section of this second journal.

Theoretical Theory

     This study looks for theoretical assumptions that will emphasize the effectiveness of role playing as an approach in developing learner communicative competencies.

     One of the earliest concepts of communicative competence was introduced by Hymes (1972). He believes that good communication skills must be developed in language teaching.

     Role play is a typical social communicative activity in the communicative approach. The rationale of the communicative approach directs that compiling and manipulating meaningful role playing activities within the framework of the English class is to foster student communicative competence is very important. In this pedagogical framework and methodology, small teams of students create characters, develop stories, write dialogues, and do expanded role play based on various intercultural situations. This technique utilizes the active process of communicative pre-writing tasks, multidraft scripts, exercises, self-direction, performance, and peer feedback. This long-term process enables students to develop expressive intercultural language skills that enhance communicative competence and broaden international sensitivity.

     Tutyandari (2005) states that role playing will be an ideal activity where students can use their English creatively and it aims to stimulate conversational situations where students can find themselves and give them opportunities to practice and develop their communication. skills.

     Role play is different from other case studies in the freshness of experience and students will find themselves in role playing. In case studies, they read about situations and characters. One of the reasons for playing a role can work well is because the power puts yourself in the shoes of others. This provides an opportunity to learn both in an effective domain, where emotions and values are involved, as well as in the cognitive domain where experience is analyzed. Most importantly, it truly develops students' communicative skills (Ayaz and Shah, 2011).

     This is also used in communicative approaches that will be applied in teaching and students may need extra support from the teacher for that to be done.

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