Comparison Between International Journals 1 & 2

     My post this time will discuss the Equality between the first journal that enters the Role Play As A Method to Students Overcome 'Anxiety in Speaking' and the author named Ahmat Rondi Toyib ( and Ahmad Syafi'i ( ) with a second journal entitled Role Play As and the Author named Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD.


1. The first journal and the second journal together discuss the Role Play and the effectiveness of role play to overcome students' problems in speaking English.

The first journal contains:
In overcoming the problem of speaking students, the teacher can use role playing methods to overcome students' anxiety in speaking skills. Through this method, students are fully involved in activities and have the opportunity to talk with their friends.

The second journal contains:
A. How is role playing used as an approach in teaching the art of communication?

B. How does the role playing approach increase participants' communicative competence?

C. What suggestions can be offered by participants to improve the play of this role as in strengthening communicative competence?

2. Both jurnal explain that Role play can improve students 'speaking skills and overcome students' anxiety in English speaking skills.


1. The research methodology of these two journals is different.

A. In the first journal research methodology

The main components used in this journal are:

  • Data sources: data sources in research are the subjects from which data can be obtained. Data sources used in this journal are secondary data sources where data is obtained from researchers from existing sources such as from data in books.
  • Type of data: In research this journal uses secondary data types, namely types of data that are not directly obtained from the source. Example: secondary data from various books and documents.
  • Data collection techniques: In this journal the techniques used are Literature Studies or Document Studies where secondary data collection techniques include quoting and reviewing theories, data and information from various books and documents used.
  • Data analysis method: The method of data analysis used in this journal is the secondary method.

Research stages:

1. We need to choose a secondary data search method whether it will be done manually or done online. In this journal the search is done manually.

2. Filter and collect data. Filtering is done so that we only get the right secondary data, while the ones that don't match can be ignored.

According to one figure, the Role Play role play has several stages, namely:

A. Divide students in class into groups of 3-4 students.

B. The teacher gives students direction about what they must learn.

C. After that students must appear in front of the class. Students will act as inconversions of their roles. In general, students have prepared before they display repentance. They must understand the text they have to say.

3. After the screening process is complete, data collection can be done.

B. In the second journal research methodology:

1. Research design
This study uses a qualitative descriptive research design. Qualitative methods are used to determine the effectiveness of role playing as an approach in developing students' communicative competencies.

2. Research Participants
The research respondents were new students from various sections under the College of Education taking the Bachelor of Basic Education. In particular, only BEEd students took the CC 121 Communication Arts course during the Second Semester, 2014-2015 Academic Year. Fourteen (14) students were selected randomly to join the FGD.

3. Research Instruments
This research uses a tape recorder to document the Focus Group Discussion process. In addition, researchers used an interview guide questionnaire.

4. Research Procedure
Participants are oriented towards the purpose of the study using the FGD. The information collected is transcribed, interpreted and analyzed.

2. For the second journal, it is easier to understand the delivery of explanations for the journal material.

     So, these two journals discuss the same theme that the effectiveness of the role in improving students' speaking skills in speaking English, and Role Play is able to deal with the problem effectively. But the research methodology used by the two journals is different, the first journal uses the secondary method and the second journal uses the quality method.

Thanks readingy blog..🙏


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