Your Name is The Meaning of Your Life

          Giving a good name for the baby is something that is very desired by every parents, which in the name has meaning and implied prayer. Because the blessing of a name is like a parent's prayer flowing in the blood and the child's pulse.

The desire to give a name to the baby later, I have felt too. Even though at the moment I haven't thought about marriage any further and because my age is still young too, but thinking of a name for a baby has crossed my mind.

          Someday when I have a son, I will give him the name Jevo Damara Prawira. The series of names has meaning and prayer that is Jevo means happiness and honor, Damara comes from the Java language and the meaning is strong, Prawira comes from Java and Sundanese language and the meaning is a firm heart and courageous person. It is hoped that someday he will be the happiness and honor of the family, being a strong child and having a firm heart and courageous person.

          If I have a daughter, I will give her the name Gita Ameera Prawira. The series of names also has meaning and prayer, Gita comes from Sanskrit means to successful smart, and lucky, Ameera comes from Arabic means princess, Prawira comes from Javanese language and the meaning is a  firm heart. It is hoped that she will be a daughter who is successful, smart and lucky, and has a firm heart.

          Sometimes it crossed my mind to give a name in English. For male, I have three favorite English names are Reynold, Calvin, and Jayvon.  For female, I have three favourite English names are Elizabeth, Chennie, and Ghenta. If I can change my name, I will not change it because the name is a gift from my parents and certainly has its own meaning and prayer for my parents. I am very grateful to my parents because they have given me a good name and I am very proud of the name.


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