Review of Ahmad Syafi’i and Ahmat Rondi Toyib's International Journal "Role Play as A Method to Overcome Students”

International Journal

Do you know about the international journal?

     Many people consider international journals to be difficult to understand because the discussion in them is too difficult to read. This perception is not entirely true or false, because there are still international journals that discuss things that are light and easy to read and understand.

The journal has several components that must be in the making, namely:
1. Tittle
2. Name of the author
3. Email the author
4. Abstract
5. Keyword
6. Introduction
7. Literature review
8. Method
9. Discussion
10. Conclusion
11. Bibliography

     This time I will discuss one of the very interesting international journals to read and discuss. This journal discusses about English language education more precisely is how to handle students' anxiety in speaking English. The journal title I will review is the Role Play As A Method to Students Overcome 'Anxiety in Speaking. The author is named Ahmat Rondi Toyib (  and Ahmad Syafi’i (

My blog this time will discuss the introduction from the journal "Role Play as A Method to Students Overcome" Anxiety in Speaking ".


     English is one of the compulsory subjects taught in Indonesian schools. The final results in learning English, students are not only required to pass the National Examination with good grades, but students are expected to use it as a communication tool both oral and written. English has four skills that must be mastered by students, they are listening , reading , speaking , and writing.

     Speaking is the most difficult skill in learning English. Therefore, the teacher must have a method to overcome the problem. The author says that there is one method that is considered more effective in stimulating speaking skills is the Role Play method, because it encourages students to be able to communicate in certain contexts in which students have a role to act.

The paper aims to reveal how the role playing method can overcome student anxiety in speaking.

     The reason I chose this journal, because in my opinion the theme raised in this journal is interesting to discuss and the method used in this journal is very interesting for me to know more clearly. As I read this journal, I became more aware of how and used the right method of dealing with students' anxiety in speaking English.

These are all my journal review from the introduction of Role Play as A Method to Overcome Student Anxiety in Speaking.

I hope this journal  review will help you in dealing with your anxiety in speaking English.

Thanks for reading...


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