Comparison Between International Journals 1 & 2
My post this time will discuss the Equality between the first journal that enters the Role Play As A Method to Students Overcome 'Anxiety in Speaking' and the author named Ahmat Rondi Toyib ( and Ahmad Syafi'i ( ) with a second journal entitled Role Play As and the Author named Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD. Equations: 1. The first journal and the second journal together discuss the Role Play and the effectiveness of role play to overcome students' problems in speaking English. The first journal contains: In overcoming the problem of speaking students, the teacher can use role playing methods to overcome students' anxiety in speaking skills. Through this method, students are fully involved in activities and have the opportunity to talk with their friends. The second journal contains: A. How is role playing used as an approach in teaching the art of communication? B. How does the role pla...