Results of Journal International

     In the previous post, I have discussed the theory or income of some figures that English is one of the compulsory subjects taught in schools throughout Indonesia, even English is included in one of the subjects tested at the junior and senior high school level on the exam National (UN). The end of learning English does not only pass the National Examination with good grades, but students are expected to use it as a communication tool both oral and written. However, there are still many students who are still reddish anxious or afraid when they speak English especially speaking in public.

The Role-Play method can overcome student anxiety in speaking

     Students often feel anxious, even they do not want to express their ideas when their teacher triggers them to ask questions. They feel afraid to make mistakes in speaking. The role playing method requires students to speak on their own turn. Role Play is a technique that divides students in class into several groups consisting of 3-4 students. In this situation, the teacher gives students direction about what they have to learn and after that students must appear in front of the class. Students will act as inconversation of their roles. In general, students have prepared before they present the conversion. They must understand the text they have to say. With this method, this will help students to achieve fluency.

     The teacher can give some pictures of 'something' to explain. In this exercise, students will think about their imagination to respond to problems. In other activities, the teacher can use other topics, namely the Narrative Text. In this topic, students are fully involved in becoming roles or characters. The teacher can give them a story to show in front of the class. The method of role playing can be used in several topics that involve fantasy or imagination by improvising and creating real world scenarios.

     Given the obstacles students have in speaking, the teacher must be able to choose and determine the right method for making successful learning. One effective method of teaching speaking is role playing. Role playing provides many benefits, such as improving speaking skills, motivating students to practice their English, and most importantly, students feel happy learning English. Therefore, role playing can be an alternative to teaching speaking in improving students' speaking abilities.

Thanks for reading my blog. . 


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