
Review of Research Methodology ("Role Play as An Approach in Developing Students' Communicative Competence" by Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD.)

Hello everyone.. Welcome back to my blog ...      In this blog post, I will review the research methodology in an international journal "Role Play As An Approach In Developing Student Communicative Competence" by Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD. "The method used is a qualitative method.      In this Blog presents the methods, participants, and procedures used in this study. Presentations include research design, research participants, research instruments used, and information gathering. 2.1. Research design This study uses a qualitative descriptive research design. Qualitative methods are used to determine the effectiveness of role playing as an approach in developing students' communicative competencies. In particular, role-based role play is considered in getting the information needed from two Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). 2.2. Research Participants The research respondents were new students from various sections under the...

Comparison Between International Journals 1 & 2

     My post this time will discuss the Equality between the first journal that enters the Role Play As A Method to Students Overcome 'Anxiety in Speaking' and the author named Ahmat Rondi Toyib ( and Ahmad Syafi'i ( ) with a second journal entitled Role Play As and the Author named Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD. Equations: 1. The first journal and the second journal together discuss the Role Play and the effectiveness of role play to overcome students' problems in speaking English. The first journal contains: In overcoming the problem of speaking students, the teacher can use role playing methods to overcome students' anxiety in speaking skills. Through this method, students are fully involved in activities and have the opportunity to talk with their friends. The second journal contains: A. How is role playing used as an approach in teaching the art of communication? B. How does the role pla...

Review of Theoretical Theories ("Role Play as an Approach in Developing Students' Communicative Competence" by Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD.)

Welcome to my blog..      I have previously reviewed an international journal and I will review the second journal. In this post, I will review the second Journal entitled "Role Play As An Approach In Developing Students' Communicative Competence" by Ramlah A. Ampatuan and Ariel E. San Jose, PhD. I will discuss the Theoretical Review section of this second journal. Theoretical Theory      This study looks for theoretical assumptions that will emphasize the effectiveness of role playing as an approach in developing learner communicative competencies.      One of the earliest concepts of communicative competence was introduced by Hymes (1972). He believes that good communication skills must be developed in language teaching.      Role play is a typical social communicative activity in the communicative approach. The rationale of the communicative approach directs that compiling and manipulating meaningful role p...

Results of Journal International

     In the previous post, I have discussed the theory or income of some figures that English is one of the compulsory subjects taught in schools throughout Indonesia, even English is included in one of the subjects tested at the junior and senior high school level on the exam National (UN). The end of learning English does not only pass the National Examination with good grades, but students are expected to use it as a communication tool both oral and written. However, there are still many students who are still reddish anxious or afraid when they speak English especially speaking in public. The Role-Play method can overcome student anxiety in speaking      Students often feel anxious, even they do not want to express their ideas when their teacher triggers them to ask questions. They feel afraid to make mistakes in speaking. The role playing method requires students to speak on their own turn. Role Play is a technique that divides students in c...

Review of Methodology Research

Hello everyone.. Welcome back to my blog.      In this post on my Blog, I will review about research methodology in the international journal "Role Play As A Method to Overcome Students Anxiety in Speaking". The method used is a secondary method. The research methodology consists of 4 main components, namely: 1. Data source 2. Data type 3. Data collection techniques 4. Data analysis method The main components used in this journal are: 1. Data sources: data sources in research are the subjects from which data can be obtained. The data source used in this journal is a secondary data source where data obtained from researchers from existing sources such as from the data in the book. 2. Types of data: In this journal research uses secondary data types, namely the type of data that is not directly obtained from the source. Example: secondary data from various books and documents. 3. Data collection techniques: In this journal the techniques used are Literatur...

Review of Theoretical Review (Ahmad Syafi'i and Ahmat Rondi Toyib's International Journal "Role Play as A Method to Overcome Students' Anxiety in Speaking Skill")

Hello everyone ... This blog post, I will review the Theoretical Review section of the international journal "ROLE-PLAY A METHOD TO OVERCOME STUDENTS’ ANXIETY IN SPEAKING SKILL ". Theoretical Review of this journal consists of several parts, including: 1. Speaking Obstacles      Speaking skills are the most difficult skills to master among students in school. Many students feel anxious when they try to speak English. This is due to a lack of student motivation in learning English and inappropriate techniques used by teachers in teaching speaking skills (Nopiani, 2014: 1). In addition, the problem also comes from the use of media (Hadi, 2015: 13). However, in speaking skills, students must also consider the use of grammar or sentence structure. Students are expected to speak English in a classroom atmosphere without fear. In addition, students are expected to speak fluently by considering aspects of grammar. 2. Role Play Method      A teacher m...

Review of Ahmad Syafi’i and Ahmat Rondi Toyib's International Journal "Role Play as A Method to Overcome Students”

International Journal Do you know about the international journal?      Many people consider international journals to be difficult to understand because the discussion in them is too difficult to read. This perception is not entirely true or false, because there are still international journals that discuss things that are light and easy to read and understand. The journal has several components that must be in the making, namely: 1. Tittle 2. Name of the author 3. Email the author 4. Abstract 5. Keyword 6. Introduction 7. Literature review 8. Method 9. Discussion 10. Conclusion 11. Bibliography      This time I will discuss one of the very interesting international journals to read and discuss. This journal discusses about English language education more precisely is how to handle students' anxiety in speaking English. The journal title I will review is the Role Play As A Method to Students Overcome 'Anxiety in Speaking. The aut...